Bloodborne Armors - posted in Skyrim Mod Requests: So i think that most of us expected that someone will ask for this mod.Because i know that my pc is not good and can not run bloodborne i want a mod that at least can give the feeling of playing bloodborne so i ask for someone to make this mod.

Instead of only being able to explore within the borders of the game's namesake nation, this gigantic work-in-progress will eventually add in Morrowind, Elswyr, Atmora, Iliac Bay, and many other locations across the continent.That's sort of an Elder Scrolls fanatic's dream come true, although it still remains a dream for now. Beyond Skyrim: BrumaThe massive Beyond Skyrim project seeks to add all the lands of Tamriel into the Skyrim experience. Much like with the base Skyrim, you could easily sink 80 or more hours into Enderal, exploring every nook and cranny and finding all the various quests and characters.If you like the idea of an open-world RPG like Skyrim but aren't keen on the dumbed-down RPG elements or the story-lite approach, Enderal is frankly a better experience than the base game, with a more compelling story. The mod presents an entirely new world with its own characters, lore, races, and history completely separate from The Elder Scrolls universe, even featuring all-new voice acting.Enderal takes place in the land of Vyn and serves as the sequel to the previous Oblivion total overhaul mod, Nehrim.

While I'm aware that the Souls series is not very appreciated in North America (at least compared to Japan), I think that these armors and weapons are interesting regardless of their origination.įor example:Saw Cleaver29.29KB 2 downloadsTell me that isn't the coolest thing you've seen in a while.Also, take a look at the Cainhurst Set from Bloodborne.That's pretty cool, besides the fact that you had to open it up in another tab.Anyway, I hope that mod creators reading this will look into the Bloodborne's equipment and can recreate them in Skyrim!.Įnderal: The Shards Of OrderIf there's one Skyrim mod that best stands as an example of what is possible to achieve with a total overhaul, it would easily be Enderal. While I'm sure that there are threads that exist surrounding this topic, I simply had to make an attempt at bringing the idea of this mod to the community's attention.