I can see why some people like Final Fantasy VI: A World Reborn better. The highly detailed backgrounds also look nice, and the Yoshitaka Amano redesigns looks cool and are refreshing for a replay thru after playing the SNES version. The modded version also has some cool effects and a beautiful orchestrated OST.

That said: when modded with the 'A WORLD REBORN' package, that versions graphics look rather nice (although decidedly different than the SNES version - and not in a superior way, just *different*). The Steam version's translation is ♥♥♥♥♥♥ and lacks personality. Personally even though its less charming (and funny) than Ted Woolseys's translation - I actually like the GBA translation better. The GBA version is inferior to the SNES version (sorry but it sounds and looks worse), but has a more poetic script and adds lines of dialogue often where it was not originally present in a attempt to flesh out the tone of each scenario, and as a whole has a almost literary level writing (it's a ridiculously good re-translation). I'd even argue it looks better than the Steam version in many ways (opinion). It was a game that pushed the SNES to its limits and looks just as good as most PS1 era RPGs. It also has some beautiful boss sprites, scaling effects and pixel art. The SNES version has Ted Woolsey's iconic and charming localization. Originally posted by abcghimnostuyz:Pros/Cons between this and emulating the SNES/GBA versions?